your comedy


you're meant to be


the funniest...

Want to learn more about Tony's comedy show's classes and coaching?

Tony Sparks, The Godfather of Comedy, brings his comedy and the best of the Bay comedians with him for a night of stellar stand-up comedy. Grab your opportunity to experience Tony Sparks and his amazing talent and connection to amazing local comics.

Humans! Listen to my face hole!

Tony Sparks has been on stage long enough to know how to capture attention. He stands behind the mic at a sparsely occupied bar.
When a brand-new comic comes up, Sparks leads the audience in a short chant of “lots of love” to build up the energy in the room.

Ready to stop experimenting and start hiring “The Godfather of Comedy"?

Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, Sparks moved to San Francisco over 20 years ago after noticing that all the comedy trade papers came from here. If you are a person who just wants to be a stand-up comic, and you’ve only seen people who are quote-unquote ‘successful,’ the best thing to do is take my classes and in-person training. If you become a member, you'll get the best experiences you’ll ever have to be part of the bay area community.